Virtual Castles - The Most Modern Biographical Museum In The World

Ostrogski Castle in Warsaw officially opened the Museum of Frederic Chopin. This is the most modern biographical museum in Europe, and perhaps in the world. Over 4600 square meters, four floors, designed by studio Migliore+Servetto from Milan. Exibition rooms are full of monitors and touch screens, speakers, headphones, and projectors. There is space for children, where the composer's image can be put on the screen in a form of electronic puzzle. In Chopin's room, (replica of his Paris apartment), there is composer's authentic piano and visitors can hear the sound of conversation in french and people having coffee,or tea and to top it all off you can smell Fredrick's favorite flowers violets. Black, soundproofed room is dedicated to the composer's death, with lock of his hair, and a copy of his death mask.

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