Futuristic Ecotecture - Future Flower By Tonkin Liu

We are absolutly in love with tonkin liu projects. London-based architect Anna Liu and Mike Tonkin complited yet another wonder. 'Future Flower' is brighten up rural space and bringing together industry and nature.

'Constructed out of triangles and pentagons, the steel structural frame is in the form of an icosi-dodecahedron, onto which 120 perforate galvanised mild steel petals are fixed. Within the volume of the flower, a central stalk with branches holds 60 low voltage LED lights, directed to different clusters of petals.

The lights are powered by three mini wind turbines attached to the stem, which operate offgrid. At 5 miles per hour the wind will trigger the lights, activating incrementally as the wind increases. The lights create different intensities of red, depending on the wind speed, resulting in an ever-changing and dynamic flower. Without the wind, the perforate galvanised metal petals reflect the changing colours of the sky and the sun, as the wind picks up they become saturated with the red LED lights, and in the mist or rain they emit a halo of captured and reflected light.'(contemporist)

“It is an amazing piece of artwork. We are proud to see how quickly the Widnes Waterfront area is developing and expect thousands of people to enjoy the Future Flower over the coming months.”
(Halton Borough Council Leader Cllr Tony McDermott)

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